Evidence-based decision-making for vaccination in LAO PDR 

Jul 14, 2023

To support the capacity of the Lao PDR National Immunisation Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) and the Unit for Health Evidence and Policy (UHEP) at University of Health Sciences in evidence-based decision making.

Researchers: Nigel Crawford (Co-PI), Fiona Russel (Co-PI), Sarah Sheridan, Meru Sheel, Chris Blyth, Mayfong Mayxay, Khampe Phongsavath, Phonepaseuth Ounaphom, Elizabeth Ashley, Nyambat Batmunkh, Praveena Gunaratnam, Professor Natalie Carvahlo 

Funder: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

This project is part of the Australian Regional Immunisation Alliance (ARIA)

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